Inside the Lab: An Exclusive Interview with the Creator of Mad Science Pre-Workout

Mad Science, the South Australian pre-workout that’s shaking up the supplement industry.
Step into the lab and uncover how Mr. Mad Science started his creations and what exciting innovations are yet to come!
1. How did you get into the fitness and supplement industry?
I always had a passion for Fitness and working so I did work experience at my local gym, then a few years later when I was 19 I was hitting the Heavy Bags. I was approached by the new owner who saw me boxing and was asked if I would teach at the gym, they paid for me to get my credentials and so it begun.
Trying to avoid what we referred as the Darkside of the gym, I read everything I could about natural products, I would read all the magazines and even catch a bus at 15 – 16 years old to go to the library to learn about Health and supplementation. I loved it and still to this day do.
2. What's your previous experience prior to creating and building the Mad Science brand?
At 22 I was shown a video Titled Body For Life, a huge challenge in the USA where you could win a Lamborghini from the guys that first put
creating The challenge was over there but I implemented some of there training and supplementation in to my life, where I had some great results.
I later went on to TV taking people through the challenge and gained some exposure through this. I became a distributor on the side for this
company, the company was called EAS and they were the first company to release Creatine on the market.
3. How did you come up with the concept, name and design of the labels?
There actually is a story to this... I am a visual artist, and I also do some cartooning as a hobby including Skateboarding, I always loved Skateboard Art, still do.
There was a skateboard that I loved growing up, the way the colours hit, I never had the privilege of owning this board, but I always wanted one, it had a unique shape to it also.
I also loved Movies growing up and Weird Science and Back to the Future with The Doc being a Mad Scientist were a couple of my favourite comedies. I did not set out and say this is the direction that I am going, however, these would be the influencers that I had when in Development.
I just started sketching and it was literally the first thing that popped in to my mind. (I do now have one of these boards hanging on my wall).
4. What vision do you have for the brand in the supplement industry?
I have been asked this a few times and I really do not have an answer. I have been in the supplement industry for quite some time and I have seen so many things come and go, some with great success and others just don’t seem to get the momentum.
New ideas, however... that I have, will be releasing something very cool with a little twist in the upcoming months.
5. How do you approach product development at Mad Science, and what sets your supplements apart from others on the market?
I discuss everything with my business partner Joe Grima. Joe is a veteran in the industry with a wealth of knowledge and he is truly one of the best people on a personal level you could meet. We discuss everything from product development including concepts, ingredients and flavours and without Joe doing this, it would not be the same. To be able to share the joy and the positive feedback with someone is truly the best thing that has come out of this.
What’s sets us apart, although we do have things that set us apart, I cannot take away anything from anyone else. There are some amazing companies and people in this industry in which both Joe and I have worked with and we are lucky enough to be good friends with many of them. Although we are different and we are very proud of what we are creating, just to be in the company of some of these guys is an honour.
6. Can you share some of the challenges you’ve faced as a new business in the supplement industry, and how you’ve overcome them?
For the most part we have been having a smooth run at this stage.
We had some great success immediately and support from people like yourselves in which we already had a long standing relationships with.
Our priority is to always be able to supply to our existing customers. It’s more of what will be a head of us to overcome. The issues we will have is going to be scaling the business. We are not actively going in hard trying to be in every location but we are taking it slowly to ensure we always have stock for our existing customers although, we have cut it close a few times.
7. What are your core values and mission at Mad Science, and how do they influence the way you operate and connect with your customers?Â
This is a great question! We have 2 brands; Mad Science and Pharma Chem. We run these under Ethical Sports which is our distribution company.
Ethics is the big one for us. We set out to be ethical in all aspects as to how we run the business and how we truly want to see retail in this country to continue strong. We get messages daily for people asking to buy from us but unfortunately we do not sell directly to consumer. Instead, we have a google search engine on our website where you put in your location, and it shows you the closest retailer stock lists which this is an industry first!
8. What's your favourite flavour out of the range and why?
Can I say all of them? They are exceptional! But seriously it has to be Red Apple for me. To our knowledge this is a first of its kind. This was a long time in development and is tastes out of this world, I have a serious Red Apple Drinking Problem. Mind you the new Razzberry is pretty close for me, it is so good!
9. How would you define success and at what point would you think that your brand has achieved success.
Success in general would-be happiness. I really wish more people would stop basing success on money. I have had no money, living pay check to pay check and I was happy. I have had money and my environment was not good and I was miserable. Each person’s success is different but for me it's happiness. The brand success, well that is something different. People seem to love what we have created with the Pre- workout and I’d say that means it has already succeeded.
Now it is time to do the same with our next project which we believe this will be the same case.
10. How do you see Mad Science evolving in the next few years, and what exciting plans do you have for the future of the brand?
We plan on bringing great products to the market with some unique twists and some amazing new flavours to which we have plenty up our sleeves.
Mad …….. will be released closer to October and we think it’s a very exciting time as there is nothing quite like this currently available. So I would say stay tuned for sneak peeks which will be leaked in the upcoming months on our Instagram madscience_supps.
Super Supp Guru Sam shares his thoughts on the Mad Science pre-workout.
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