How To Workout With a Power Bag
We recently teamed up with Grace from Powerfit for this 6 move Power Bag AMRAP. What's an AMRAP I hear you ask? It stands for 'As Many Rounds As Possible'. This style of workout has become super popular because when designed correctly it can help hit a bunch of different muscle groups and burn through a load of calories. It's also fun.
Why do we love Power Bag's at Southern Workout? With power bags you can lift, carry, throw and slam. Due to their design the bags are unstable and as a result they challenge different movement patterns during functional training.
What you'll need:
Some sort of timer or countdown clock. A phone timer works a treat too. An Xpeed Powerbag and the space to swing it around.
The workout:
This workout consists of 6 exercises. Burpee Push Ups, Alternating Lunges, Good Mornings, Clean & Press, Bent Over Rows and Front Squats. Complete 10 reps of each exercise one after the other for 15 minutes. See how many rounds you can complete in this time.
The exercises:
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Squat as deeply as you can and place the power bag on the floor. Kick back into a push-up position.
- Do one push-up.
- Bring your legs back to a squat position, bring the bag off of the floor in the style of a deadlift, clean the bag into a front squat position, squat with the bag.
- Repeat.

2). Alternating Lunges
1. Rack the bag behind your neck, holding onto the handles loosely, keeping your shoulder blades pushed back and elbows by your side. Stand tall with your feet hip distance apart.
2. Take a large step forward and lower your body toward the floor. Both legs should be bent at a 90-degree angle at the bottom of the lunge. Push off front leg to rise back up to start.
3. Repeat on the other side.

3). Good Mornings
1. Rack the bag behind your neck, holding onto the handles loosely, keeping your shoulder blades pushed back and elbows by your side. Stand tall with your feet hip distance apart.
2. Brace your core and slowly bend at the hips to lower your head towards the floor. Pause at the bottom, then reverse.
3. Repeat.

4). Modified Clean & Press
1. Squat down with a straight back and grab the power bag by the handles, rest the power bag at the hips.
2. Slightly bend the knees and drive the body up pushing from your feet, and in one swift movement, lift the power bag to your shoulders into the front rack position. Push up through your heels and extend your arms to press the power bag above your head.
3. Lower safely to your shoulders and drop the bag back to the hips
4. Repeat.

5). Bent Over Row
1. Holding a power bag in your hands, bend your knees slightly and hinge at the hip so your upper body is almost parallel to the floor.
2. Keep your core tight and your back straight as you row the power bag up to your chest. Lower and repeat.

6). Front Squats
1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart holding the power bag across your upper chest. Hold the handles loosely with your fingers to avoid straining your wrists.
2. Taking care to not arch your back, push your hips back and bend your knees to lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Drive your heels into the floor to push yourself explosively back up to the start position.

As you can see, Power Bags are a pretty nifty piece of kit! Bent over rows, cleans, snatches, high pulls, bicep curls are just some of the many exercises you can perform thanks to the handle variations. You can also perform clean and presses, shoulder presses and push presses thanks to the soft touch nature of the bag overall. On either sides of the bag, find reinforced padded handles for comfort during exercise. One end of the bag has a strap for pull throughs and single hand use carrying.
Give this AMRAP a go, record your score and be sure to revisit it in a few weeks time to see if you can beat your score.